Tips & Support

Tips for recording video/screencasts

Printable flier on recording video/screencasts

If you are already comfortable recording video/screencasts, continue using the recording or screencasting tool you are most comfortable with, so long as you can export MP4 files with that tool.

If you are not already recording videos/screencasts, we recommend using one of the following tools:

  • Webex, Google Meet: You can host a single person “meeting,” record yourself and share your screen
  • Screencastify: You can record your voice, screen or self. The free version allows you to record up to five minutes of video per clip and is stored in your Google Drive.

For help troubleshooting these platforms, please contact

There are additional video recording/editing options if you are familiar with them, including:

  • Adobe Spark
  • iMovie
  • Powerpoint
  • Windows 10 Camera app
  • Smartphone Camera app
  • iMovie Airbook Camera

Due to limited technical/troubleshooting support for these options, we don’t recommend using them unless you are proficient and able to export the MP4 file.

Tips for creating instructional videos

Printable flier on creating instructional videos

When creating your video lesson, you should:

  • Keep each video to 5 minutes or less.
  • Chunk the videos out by mini topic.
  • Break up your video content with other activities.
  • Use knowledge checks between video segments.
  • Give a bullet point overview in the beginning of the lesson, review at the end.
  • Use visual aids like you would in the classroom.

Video recording tips

  1. Make sure students get to see you for at least part of the video. This will help maintain the human connection.
  2. Have light illuminating you from the front. Students will not be able to see your face if your light is behind you. This includes light coming in from a window.
  3. Do a test video, if necessary, to make sure your audio is working and clear.
  4. Speak slowly and clearly so students can understand what you are saying.
  5. Don’t worry about being perfect. Treat this like your classroom. If you pause for a moment, stumble over your words, take a few seconds to get a slide on the screen, etc., that is OK — just keep going.
  6. Keep in mind that what you show students on the screen should be what you would want them to focus on in the classroom. If they need to focus on you, you should be on the screen. If they need to focus on a visual aid, share your screen.

If you are using visual aids:

Ensure they are easy to read by:

  • Using large text.
  • Using high-contrast text (such as white lettering on a black background).
  • Using an easy-to-read font.
  • Keeping text on the screen long enough for all students to read.
  • Avoiding flickering media.
  • Testing your presentation slides to make sure text is readable on small screens since students may watch on a smartphone.